Saturday, September 23, 2006

Introduction (51 hours)


A few nights back I was about to work on my homework. It was 21:00 (the 24-hour time format will come in handy later, it's something I am trying to get used to). I thought to myself: "self, your girlfriend and friends, are going to call you later tonight with all sorts of nice things to say. If you plan to get some rest before embarking upon this paper, do so now or forever hold your peace." So I slept from 21:00 to whenever I woke up. With no external stimuli, I woke at 22:30, 90 minutes. That is significant - remember it for later. I slacked off for a while, and began the paper at midnight. The paper turned out to be a real killer. I spent some amount of time writing the paper, and four times that working out which tidbit came from which source and properly documenting it. I didn't finish until 06:30, but I am now an MLA guru.

Again I thought, "Self, you have to wake in 30 minutes, you had better get what little sleep you can." I failed to properly set my alarm, and ended up sleeping until 08:00, 90 minutes. The first clock I see when I wake is analog, so to a bleary-eyed M@ it seems as if I woke up on time, at 7. I strolled into my calculus class exactly one hour late, interrupting the teacher, and then realized that somewhere along the line I had made an error.

I only had time for two hours of sleep when I got home, then I had to go to work, so I took advantage of them. I was feeling surprisingly alert at work that day, but my mind was wandering. Here is a short record of its wanderings:

  • "Most people on this planet sleep at night at are awake during the day, why?"
    • "Probably because primitive man thought that daytime was much more useful."

  • "Is it still the case?"
    • "No, I don't need to hunt bison - I need to read Byron, which can be done at any time."

  • "Is there any other reason? Is it genetic?"
    • "Probably not, babies don’t stick to it. It takes them a year to train themselves to the way this planet works."

  • "If we were on a planet that spun faster, thereby having 12 hour days, would we adjust, sleeping 4 hours a night?"
    • "Probably..."

Then my mind shifted gears

  • "Would an altered sleep schedule work better for me?"
    • "I think so, if you could nap during those times when you don't have enough time to get into your homework - you would have much more time for the homework."

  • "What about work?"
    • "You would need to be able to fit 6-hour shifts into your schedule, that's all."

  • "Frequently filling up with gasoline is annoying, could frequent naps be similarly annoying?"
    • "A battery that has been charged recently gives more power than one that is 3/4 drained. I think you would be more efficient."


I decided that the least I could do was research the topic. As it turns out, I was not the first person to have this idea. The name for it is polyphasic sleep. I spent many hours researching this topic, if you are interested - do the same, but I have three links for you that I think will be very informative:

The Power of the Sleep Cycle

Sleep Stages


My experiment aside, the first link has some information that anyone who has ever been sleepy could find useful.

My original intent was just to split my regular sleep (5-7 hours) into parts, thereby gaining access to every part of the day without loosing sleep. It seems that most practitioners of polyphasic sleep do it to reduce the total amount of sleep time in any given day. The most popular form of this is Uberman sleep, this guy has a nice description of the whole thing, and I really had to look for a nice description, most of the blogs you can find - and that's all there are, blogs - are filled with detailed descriptions of the hell that people go through while adjusting to such a schedule. Wikipedia is usually the most awesome source for information ever, but it only focuses on the Uberman way of sleep deprivation. As a self proclaimed authority on something that I didn't know existed last week, I'm here to tell you that polyphasic sleep is not about deprivation. Polyphasic sleep is the practice of sleeping more frequently than the norm. In this case the "norm" is a monophasic sleeping pattern (1 sleep/wake cycle : 1 day).

As I have said, blogs are the only form of information out there with regard to polyphasic sleep in human adults (it occurs naturally throughout the animal kingdom as well as in infants). Having a very limited set of information to make my decision with I decided to create such a piece of information and run my own experiment, which is another way of saying: I decided to do it. I have a plan, and I have faith in it. I do not, however, have a doctorate, or any authority on the subject whatsoever. I am doing this to myself so that I can see what happens. So far I'd like to ask that nobody try to follow in my footsteps until I know how it ends. Even if this lunacy leads to a better way of life for me, I still want to make it clear that you are reading a story, not instructions. I am not telling you to do anything, just what I did.


Most people's sleep cycle is 90 minutes long, the last bit of which is REM sleep - which is known to be the most important for feeling rested. This is the sleep in which dreams are had. I like to view the sleep cycle as a spring. There are people out there, Uberman sleepers, who can compress this 90 minute long spring into just 30 minutes. From what I've read there is a very low success rate with the Uberman schedule, I think this is because it is the smallest you can go - there is a point at which you can't compress a spring any further, the coils bind up and don't allow further movement. That point is 6 x 30 min of sleep per 24/hr. I have no desire to subject myself to such a schedule, it's inhuman. It is as if you were learning to ride a bike, took your training wheels off, and were suddenly forced to go on the tour de France.

Uberman has its positives though, 1/2 hour naps at 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00 every day. This schedule fits within 24 hours nicely, but it is said that you have to be very strict with it if it is going to work. This lack of flexibility would be expected if you were to compress a spring to its fullest extent. Imagine driving a car onto one of those tiny retractable pen springs - it's not going to be very bouncy. Uberman sleep is the same way (from what I read), the majority of the few who succeed work from home and make their own schedules. I have full time school (17 credit hours) and a full time-ish job (30 hours) - I suppose I'm going to need some bounce in my schedule.

I could add time to the Uberman naps to gain flexability, but since I frequently work six-hour shifts there would be no way to fit a shift between naps. 24 divides into four easily - four 90 minute naps would allow for six hours of sleep per 24, but the gaps between naps would be so few. In order to take a nap early, you would later have to take a nap late. Getting this to fit my schedule is unlikely as well. If six is to many, and four is too few, five is the logical conclusion.

"But five doesnt fit into 24" was my initial thought. I then realised that it didn't have to. The whole point is to be independant of the day-night cycle, so why worry about the hours in a day. With roughly five naps per day I could stretch the average 4.8 hour gap between naps to fit a 6 hour shift, assuming I could nap before and after that shift. The odds of me being able to make a steady nap schedule around a very fluctuating work schedule and a set of 5 classes?
Surprisingly good. I made a big list of the hours in a week, 0-23 repeated 7 times. I laminated it and I've been marking my nap times with a wet-erase marker. I usually schedule a nap two days in advance; I'm behind on the image to the right because I don't remember my shift on Monday. I try to schedule naps every four or five hours, six in the case of a six hour shift. Should a nap fall in the middle of a class or shift, I'll shorten or lengthen the previous nap-gaps so that it no longer does. Regular monophasic sleep can stay in cycle with 3-4 hour variations in bed time (in my experience), so I think that my pentaphasic sleep should be able to survive 2 hour fluctuations. This would not be the case if I was trying to compress the 90 minute cycle to 30 - but hour long naps should give me enough buffer room to allow for my wacky work/school schedule.

As you can see, the schedule stays pretty regular while still being flexible, and as long as I don't miss a nap or oversleep by too much I should be just fine. 5 hours of sleep per day was tolerable monophasic, but now that I'll always be freshly charged... Let's just say i'm optimistic about it. The above schedule starts on a thursday, when I had an anthropology test at 11:30 which explains the 3-hour-nap-gaps. Once I'm with the plan I should be able to avoid doing that.


note: if I attack something you may have said, please realize that I need to do this in order to move on with my experiment. Whether my logic is valid or not has little to do with my esteem for this experiment, I just need to believe it.

I have found two ideas that, if true, will cause me to fail to acclimate myself to polyphasic sleep. The first, which I got from a co-worker (and I appreciate), involves the magnetic fields of the celestial bodies nearby. She pointed out that the color of the sky isn't the only factor of earth that affects our bodies. I am all for alternative theory, but as a student of physics I find it all too hard to believe. I haven't read the book she referred to, but maybe I will one of these nights. Secondly, and more common, is a reference to ultradian cycles present in humans. This cycle repeats six times in the standard circadian (24 hour) sleep rythm and controls certain things like hormonal release and appetite. The Uberman sleep schedule is said to take advantage of this. I believe that once my body acclimates itself to my pentaphasic schedule, the ultradian cycles within will also adapt. If the circadian cycle for most people is 24 hours, and the ultradian cycle is 4. Assuming I succeed my circadian cycle will be 5 hours, and my ultradian will be just under an hour. This is not because I think my schedule is that great, it is because I think that the human body is pretty cool.


So far I have found the pentaphasic sleep schedule to work for me. It doesn't conflict with my relationships or commitments. I'm sleepy, but I expect to be for the first week or so. I have made two mistakes - both involving oversleeping. First by an hour an a half, and then by a half an hour. Each of these happened when I had a nap around 08:00. From what I read it is common to have a trouble time - why mine is in the not-so-early morning I don't know. One mishap was a alarm malfunction, though the blame was mine. The other involved me turning off the alarm and laying back in bed to "think." I have worked out a system to combat this oversleeping. The closer I adhere to the schedule, the closer I am (in time) to comfort.

Before I go into said system, I should mention another, somewhat amusing, problem. I had been using my cell phone primarilly to wake me up, with an alarm clock backup. The alarm sound is somewhere between some chimes, and some crickets, it could be more annoying - but it is not so comforting that it doesn't do its job. Around 30 hours I began hearing the alarm when it wasn't going off. I was on the toilet, I heard someone close a door, and somehow it sounded like the alarm. I had to check my pockets to make sure I hadn't left the phone somewhere and forgot to disable the alarm.

In order to fix these two problems I used my computer to record 60 minutes of silence into an mp3. I then got some earbuds - comfy ones that seal well enough to almost be considered earplugs. I edited the ID3 tags of those mp3's along with Linkin Park - Session.mp3 and made a faux two-track album to sleep to. I also got a timer/outlet for my electric teapot, so I can set what time it turns on. My naptime schedule goes something like this:

  1. set timer and fill pot with water

  2. put tea leaves in teapot (green or herbal, black tea has too much caffeine)

  3. set ipod volume so that the intro barely rouses me, and the drum track finishes the job

  4. make sure there is something (cardboard box for now) on my bed so I can't sleep there

  5. turn out the lights

  6. crawl into hammock

And that's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I'll keep you posted. I'm thinkin another chronicle at 100 hours.


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